Pointless Finishers | Page 3

Take for example Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton from the 2008 Royal Rumble. Jeff goes for the twist of fate, you are thinking he is on the verge of finally winning that title, but no he's been pinned cos Orton reversed it into the RKO. It puts more suspense into the final sequence.

Thus rendering AN ENTIRE MATCH as unnecessary. If I can just hit one move to win a match, why bother with all the others?
I saw your comment about Hogan, and the piledriver, and the finishers of old, and can't help but laugh at you.

Finishers are called "finishers", because they finish a match. All of the moves you listed, were the last move of the match. When Hogan hit the big boot and the leg drop, you knew it was over. The same for Macho Man's elbow. Warrior's gorilla press. Slaughter's cobra clutch. Flair's figure four.

The reason they were exciting, was because you knew it was over.

Agree completely. You have TOTALLY missed my point. Yes, you knew the match was over when they hit them, but NOT because the moves were ultra devastating. Those moves didn't erase an entire match, they were just the final blow to an already beat up opponent. If Hogan had hit the leg drop 2 minutes into the match, would that have pinned anyone? Of course not, it's just a legdrop. But, it was the incredible damage that Hogan had done BEFORE the legdrop, combined with the power of the legdrop, that got Hogan the win.

Nowadays, the work before the finisher doesn't matter, it's just how badass can you make your finisher. It's stupid.

I know that when Orton goes for the RKO, he's going to get shoved into a turnbuckle. I wish we could have one finisher where it was "lights out" when it connected.

See, that's the by-product of making finishers ultra devastating. Because finishers have become ultra devastating, the match itself is pointless until the end, and the crowd knows that. So, in order to get the crowd into the end of a match, the workers tease the finisher. Think about it...when was the last time HBK hit the SCM immediately after tuning up the band? 10 years ago? He almost ALWAYS misses it the first time, just to hit it out of nowhere a few moments later. The reason for this is because they have to tease the finisher in order for the crowd to get into the finish of the match.

And that is because finishers are completely ridiculous in the way they are used.

First of all, you just contradicted yourself saying that they were "finishers" of the past because you didn't call them finishers before, you called them signatures,

I'm not contradicting myself, I'm using the terms interchangeably...as they should be used.

and you obviously make no sense because I wasn't the first person to point out your flawed statements

A group of morons are still morons. I'm not calling you a moron, but trying to say that I'm wrong because someone else thought so is terrible logic.

they're more devistating now because nobody is gonna believe that a leg drop can beat a 275 lb guy, even after he ran into your foot, that's why they have the more powerful finishers today

Yes, that's my point. Are you even paying attention?

A finisher SHOULD NOT be used to win a match. A finisher should be the last move a wrestler uses to win a match. Here's the difference. If Orton hits the RKO, no matter what else happens in the match, he gets the pin. If Randy Savage hits an elbow drop 2 minutes into the match, then the match still proceeds.

Finishers were not meant to be ultra devastating, but rather a wrestlers signature move that signaled the match was over. There's a difference.

For someone writing in wrestling forums, knowing that professional wrestling is "sports-entetainment", you sure do get your panties in a bunch over other people expressing their opinions. We have to listen to you, so how about you listen to everybody else's opinion instead of bashing them for it? Sure, we all can't be right but come on neither can you. My opinion about the DDT was supposed to show that it doesn't stand out like other wrestler's finishers do. Not everyone does a Pedigree or an FU, for example. That's what I was trying to say. Sorry if I offended you or rubbed you the wrong way about it, but you don't have to tear my head off for what I said. Same with anybody else. You can't always be right and you have absolutely no right at all to tell other people that their opinions are wrong or make the other person feel like a fucking moron. You don't know it all by any stretch of the imagination, pal. The sooner you learn that and apply what I'm saying to every aspect of your life, the better a person you will be at the end of the day.

If you only knew who you were talking to. As a new poster, you should really keep comments like that in check, until you understand the people you are speaking to, and understand their posting habits.

You didn't offend me at all, but I'm going to go all out to prove something wrong when I believe it to be.

LOL isn't it funny how we all seem to disagree with slyfox, because he's being an idoit about what he's saying? Talk about being a 2-faced, lying, hypocrite. AKA Self-centered AKA Full of himself AKA A know-it-all wanna be AKA Chris Jericho's worst enemy LOL

It's never a good idea to flame a moderator, especially a Global Moderator who has the power to ban you with a single click.

Just sayin'. If you wish to disagree with me, go for it. I'll debate you forever about it (and people here will attest to that). But, for your sake, leave the insults out of it.

Man, Slyfox must have really HATED fatalities in Mortal Kombat because you can compare today's wrestling finishers to them

Actually, that's a GREAT example.

Tell me, could you hit a fatality in the opening part of the fight? Or did you have to wear your opponent out, beat him down, and render him unconscious before you hit it? Yeah, you had to beat him down.

That's the way finishers SHOULD work. You should have to beat the piss out of someone, and the finisher/fatality ONLY works because you kicked the crap out of them before. But, that's not the way finishers work now. Finishers work NOW, where you can hit the fatality at any time, regardless of how injured you made them before the fatality.

That's a great example, although in the opposite direction of what you were hoping for.

As for your comment on Austin being the stupidest wrestler ever, my advice to you is to sign off, shut the fuck up and go watch Austin's DVD.

As for this comment...are you kidding me? Did you even READ why I said Austin was stupid? Did you really think I meant that?

For Christ's sake, actually read a post before you make ridiculous comments about it.

Actually MK Fatalities are a perfect example of what Sly thinks wrestling finishers should be. Because you have to actually beat your opponent before you can execute a fatality. Sly's argument is that a finisher should be executed when the wrestler knows his opponent is beaten, purely for the reaction of the crowd, and NOT made to look like it was absolutely necessary to execute the move in order to win the match.

