What did Jeffree Star say about Britney Spears and Kanye? Makeup guru tweets about Illuminati and "H

In an early morning tweet on Friday, December 30, 2022, social media influencer and make-up artist Jeffree Star wrote that he "escaped the Illuminati" before adding that he's grateful they didn't kill him.

In a tweet, he recalled a time in 2020 when he was about to expose "everything." However, he said that within days the "Hollywood elite" allegedly tried to "ruin his career and villainize him." His tweet alluded to Kanye and Britney's nightmarish careers as a direct result of a "coordinated effort to silence and control them."

Image showing a tweet by Jeffree Star (Image via Twitter/ @JeffreeStar)

The make-up artist continued, declaring, "I still have a soul," before adding that he can't say the same for the people he used to surround himself with.

"Anyone who challenges the system gets eliminated": Jeffree Star's rant on Twitter has netizens intrigued

While many knew Jeffree Star for his YouTube career, the beauty influencer and his brand came under fire in 2020. His recent tweet states that 2020 was the year that he tried to "expose everything."

Back in 2020, an online blog called Vox stated that Jeffree's past was "full of racism and intimidation." Many journalists, including Taylor Lorenz of the New York Times, accused him of racism and s*xualizing minors, calling him an "older white millennial beauty influencer." Other sources called him a "Nazi sympathizer" who loves creating "drama."

The star's brand also faced similar backlash, with many people boycotting his products.

His recent rant about Illuminati and the Hollywood elite left many perplexed. In one of his tweets, Jeffery went as far as stating:

"Anyone who challenges the system gets eliminated."

Brief overview of Hollywood's alleged connection to Illuminati as Jeffree Star's tweet sparks flurry of reactions

While much about The Illuminati's connection to Hollywood is mere speculation, the Order of the Illuminati itself was a real organization founded in Germany in 1776 with the aim of distancing itself from the church and the government.

Their goal was to "enlighten people." The secret society was disbanded just 10 years later, but many conspiracy theorists believe it survived and exists to date, controlling the government, media, and general world affairs.

Some theorists also claim that many Hollywood A-listers, including Beyonce, are members of the Illuminati. While the singer herself has never addressed the rumors, in her song Formation, she included the lyrics "Y’all haters corny with that Illuminati mess."

Other popular names believed to be associated with the Illuminati include Jay-Z with his signature triangular hand symbol, Madonna, who released a song titled Illuminati, and Kim Kardashian.

After seeing Star's tweets, some Twitter users responded to the make-up artist's post sarcastically, saying that "It's too early for this." Others believed Star and urged him to stay safe.

Who is Jeffree Star?

Jeffery Star is an American make-up artist, YouTuber, former singer-songwriter, and entrepreneur.

He is known for his first and only studio album, Beauty Killer (2009), which peaked at number seven on US Billboard Top Electronic Albums. He was set to release a second studio album through Akon's Konvict Muzik, but the beauty stylist abruptly left the music industry in 2013.

Around 2014, Star launched his namesake online cosmetics brand, Jeffery Star Cosmetics, signaling an end to his musical career. In an effort to promote his brand, he also launched his YouTube channel, which quickly gained traction, earning him over 17 billion subscribers and over 2.4 billion views.

In December 2021, Jeffree Star moved from Los Angeles to Casper, Wyoming, after several controversies, including racist comments and s*xual assault allegations. In an interview with the local radio station Kiss Casper, he stated that he enjoyed living "off the grid." His newest beauty products, like Star Ranch Mini Palette with shades like Yak, are inspired by mid-western ranch living

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