Ken Lerner parents: Meet George Lerner, Blanche Lerner

In the 1987 film The Running Man, Arnold Schwarzenegger stabs an agent in the bMV5BMTJmNWI1MDgtOTA5ZC00MzkwLTkzOGYtOGIzOTFiOTdkOTg0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@. V1 CR045480270 AL UX477 CR00477268 ALack with a pen, while Ken Lerner plays the lawyer who cries at the cops “Never shoot! I practice law! “in Illegal Entry (1992). More than 80 television programs and 44 motion pictures have included Lerner.

Ken Lerner parents: Meet George Lerner, Blanche Lerner

Romanian-Jewish Lerner was born in Brooklyn, New York. His parents are Blanche and the late antiques trader and fisherman George Lerner.

Ken Lerner is an American actor who has appeared on stage, in films, and on television. He is perhaps best known for his roles as “Principal Flutie” in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series (1997), as the heartless HMO lawyer in Chicago Hope (1994), as Kurt Russell’s attorney in Unlawful Entry (1992), and as Rocco Malachi in Happy Days (1974). Brooklyn College graduate Lerner was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. He is the brother of actor Michael Lerner and father to actor Sam Lerner.

Additionally, he played the lead role in Martin Brest’s acclaimed American Film Institute student film debut, Hot Tomorrows (1977). Ken was urged to start teaching acting lessons by Roy London, his acting mentor, while he continued to work professionally as an actor.
