The Meaning Behind The Song: (Korobeiniki) by Traditional

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The Meaning Behind The Song: Коробе́йники (Korobeiniki) by Traditional

Коробе́йники (Korobeiniki) is a traditional Russian folk song that has been passed down through generations. It gained widespread popularity in the 19th century and has since become an iconic piece of Russian culture. The song tells the story of a peddler who sells his goods at a market while pining for the attention of a young woman. Though seemingly light-hearted, the lyrics carry deeper meanings and provide insight into the social and cultural context of the time.

The Table of Information

TitleArtistWriter/ComposerAlbumRelease DateGenreProducer
Коробе́йники (Korobeiniki)TraditionalUnknownNot applicable1861FolkNot applicable

The lyrics of Коробе́йники (Korobeiniki) depict a peddler who proudly presents his wares, including silk and fabric, urging potential customers to appreciate the quality of his goods. The opening lines of the song, “Ой полным полна моя коробушка, Есть и ситец, и парча” (Oy polnym polna moya korobushka, Yest i sitets, i parcha), meaning “Oh, my box is full to the brim, it contains silk and fabric,” emphasize the peddler’s enthusiasm and confidence in his merchandise.

The protagonist’s longing for the attention of a young woman, referred to as “душа-зазнобушка” (dusha-zaznobushka), further adds depth to the song. His desire to impress her with his offerings and his request for her to sit closer to him suggest a flirtatious tone. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of the marketplace and the interaction between the peddler and the young woman.

Throughout the song, the chorus repeats the line “цены сам платил немалые” (tseny sam platil nemalye), meaning “I paid a good price.” This line emphasizes the peddler’s dedication to providing high-quality goods and his refusal to engage in bargaining. It also highlights the importance of fair trade and the peddler’s pride in his occupation.

As the song progresses, the peddler’s longing turns into anticipation as he waits for the arrival of the young woman. The line “Вот уж пала ночь туманная, Ждёт удалый молодец…” (Vot uzha pala noch’ tumannaya, Zhdyot udayly molodets…), meaning “The foggy night has already fallen, and the brave young man is waiting…” captivates the listener, creating an atmosphere of suspense and romance.

The final verse of the song suggests a resolution to the peddler’s story. The lyrics, “Распрямись ты, рожь высокая, Тайну свято сохрани!” (Raspryamis’ ty, roz’ vysokaya, Tainu svyato sohrani!), translate to “Straighten up, tall rye, keep the secret sacred!” This line alludes to the relationship between the peddler and the young woman, emphasizing the need for secrecy and the potential blossoming of their connection.

Personally, this song holds a special place in my heart as it reminds me of my Russian heritage. Hearing the familiar melody and lyrics instantly transports me to family gatherings filled with laughter and storytelling. It serves as a reminder of the enduring power of music to connect generations and preserve cultural traditions. Whenever this song is played, it brings a smile to my face and elicits a sense of joy and nostalgia.

In conclusion, Коробе́йники (Korobeiniki) by Traditional is a timeless folk song that offers a glimpse into Russian culture and tradition. Its catchy melody and meaningful lyrics have captivated audiences for generations. Whether it’s the peddler’s pride in his merchandise, his yearning for love, or the anticipation of a secret rendezvous, this song resonates with listeners on multiple levels. Its enduring popularity stands as a testament to the power of music to evoke emotions and connect people across time and culture.
